Enriching and Enhancing the lives of others...One Young Artist at a Time.
In the spring of 2008, we were given the opportunity to start a “summer camp” for the Allenberry Playhouse in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. After months of planning, we founded Actor's Professional Theatre Conservatory (APTC). Little did we know that this one week "summer camp" would soon grow into a year round program offering TYA productions of fairy tales with modern twists, a day camp for young artists ages 8-12, (2) one-week long over night camps for ages 12- 15 and a two week summer intensive for young artists 13-18 which would culminate with a full length Shakespeare production and a full length musical. After 10 years of being happily housed on the Allenberry property, we found a new home as the education branch of Theatre [Untitled] in New York City. Since our move, we have partnered with theaters across the country to provide year round virtual and in person arts education programming. We are proud to bring Teaching Artists that are at the height of their career and at the top of the business here in New York. We are excited to continue our work of inspiring a whole new generation of Young Artists here in New York City and across the country! At APTC we truly believed that through the performing arts we can enrich and enhance the lives of others...One Young Artist at a Time.
New Program!APTC's Young Playwrights in Residence program is a pilot program that gives young artists with a passion for writing the opportunity to work with New York City based mentors to cultivate and develop their playwriting skills free of charge. Young artists will have the opportunity to work throughout the year developing a new work to be showcased and performed by professional actors in Theatre [Untitled]'s Reading Series along with other showcase opportunities.
"I would like to express my gratitude for this amazing week. In just one day I saw so much life and happiness back in my kid. I knew that she loved performing and would love this program, but I didn't know how much it would help her. COVID really made her have some serious social anxiety and she became so shy. This experience has brought her back to her normal, bubbly, outgoing, silly self. Thank you so much. Words cannot express my appreciation."
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